Monday, September 24, 2007

Saint Andrew's

Today I woke up at 2:30AM, and could not fall back asleep. I hope this does not continue, but on the positive side I was awake when it was time to go to St. Andrew's Primary School which has a beautiful view over-looking Lake Victoria. Father Pascal had arranged for me to speak to the headmaster to talk about what I could teach for them. Luckily Father Pascal wanted to come along and show me around so I rode in the car with him, and was spared the two mile walk in the terribly intense sun. I got there and was showed around the property. The boys dormitory was in the beginning of what looked like would be an overly drawn-out construction phase so the sixty or so boys that are boarding live in a class room with mini triple bunks from wall-to-wall with no space in between, and a boy that may have been too old for primary school would literally have grown out of it. The girls dormitory was constructed and under marginally better conditions than the boy's sleeping quarters. In the girls dormitory there was a little girl who looked to be about eight years old and was suffering from malaria. She was not a boarding student, but she was the only one in the dormitory when I walked up. She was completely comatose, was burning up, and was nearly nonresponsive. The house mother said she had come from her home the past two days and just lied in the bed. I would bet anything that the dilapidated dormitory was a hundred percent better than what she had to live in.
When walking back from St. Andrew's after meeting and lesson planning for tomorrow's P.6. math class, I was easily persuaded under the blistering sun to hop on a modern boda boda, which is a motor bike that you hop on the back of, a traditional boda boda being without a motor. So far from what I have seen the capacity is about five.
I get thrown into the fire tomorrow, and I hope I don't return with amusing stories of me bombing, but if there are such stories I will be sure to post them.
