Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Muslim Funeral

I was supposed to teach in Holy Cross primary today, but classes were cancelled. Instead many students and teachers were attending the funeral of a girl in P.6 who died yesterday from an asthma attack in which she could not get proper help quickly enough. I will be teaching P.6 tomorrow, so I went to the burial with Father Pascal and Jimmy, an ND grad who is also a teacher at Holy Cross. Despite going to a Catholic primary school the little girl's family is Muslim so they had a traditional Muslim funeral. They burried the girl behind her house and said a bunch of stuff in Lusoga that I could not understand. I did not witness it, but apparently they burried the girl naked according to their traditions, but they kept her hidden from view the entire time. Once she was placed in her grave all the men took a turn to shovel dirt in while the women stayed behind.
After that it was about time to go to my evening class at St. Andrew's which went quite well.
I am working on posting pictures, but this computer seems to slow to download them.
