I woke up to cool somewhat dry weather with a nice gloomy overcast. The weather was very comfortable and a beautiful change from the ferocious sun and terrible humidity. The only problem was that the autumn-like conditions reminded of the ND Navy football game I stayed up listening to until two o'clock in the morning, but the days events brought me back down to Africa, and I think I am at peace now.
I woke up and had my usual breakfast, tea with milk and honey, and two pieces of toast, one with peanut butter and one with jam. I then went to mass in my freshly washed and ironed pants, and it was a nice service with the usual clapping and waving of the hands during the hymns. After mass, I relaxed and read a bit until lunch time. Once I was finished with my lunch, I washed some dirty clothes. After about an hour and a half of aggressively attacking every speck of red dirt on my clothes, my hands started to bleed and I still had quite a bit to go so I brought in some reinforcements. My P.5 boys that I play football with most evenings were so eager to come help me and my "soft hands," that I had to turn away about twenty kids. So I sat there with my three favorite and a little boy with snot all over his face while they washed like they have their whole lives, and I answered their questions about America, Chuck Norris, and Steven Seagull. We finished quickly and then went to throw the football for a little.
Later that evening I went to the seminarians' house that is down the road, and I have been teaching a few of them how to play the guitar. So we had a little lesson and then dinner.
It turned out to be a wonderful day, and now I could use a good night of sleep before I go and teach my P.6 St. Andrew's class what a paragraph is.